

Transformation – a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance. A metamorphosis during the life cycle of an animal.

Ten years ago, when I started this blog, I had no idea how running would transform my life. And you have been there every step of the way. With over 223 posts, you have watched me evolve. From writing about my training and giving reviews, to getting deep and personal. From being excited to finish my first marathon, to completing a 100-miler. From being married, to divorced, to becoming a single mother. From living life happily as-is to living life with a deep sense of purpose and gratitude.

With every evolution, you were there. With every transformation, you were there. With every twist and turn, you were there. Have you transformed as well during that time? Tell me. I’d like to know.

I had hoped to have gotten back to running by now. My last few posts promised it. And I also hoped to have run a 50 miler on my 50th birthday, which was last week. Instead, I was drinking mai-tai’s on the beach in Curacao with friends (not a bad option 2!). I had hoped to get back to writing my blog, but it’s been a year since my last post. Is anyone still out there reading? Are you still with me? Do you still look for me?

I’m still a runner at heart. I see runners on the street, and I smile. I am green with envy when I see friends post about their training and races, and admittedly, I sometimes get really down about it and a little angry. And I say to myself, someday, someday, someday. Is anyone else in the same boat? Or is it just me?

But here’s the thing, while I’m not the same person who was learning what the heck a Garmin was ten years ago, I’m still the same person who wants to inspire and motivate. To make you laugh and maybe cry with me on occasion. To make you believe in yourself because if I can do it, why can’t you. To make you feel not alone in your journey even if we have different paths. To make you feel okay to be you because I have learned to be okay with me. I want to continue to do this for you.

I still want to share my journey with you and share all the wonderful things I’ve learned along the way. While I’ve taken a step back from running, I’m taking a step forward to helping others transform their lives. Helping them to elevate themselves and live authentically. To discover the core of who they are, and embrace themselves as genuine heart-lead beings. To learn to love themselves to learn to become leaders in every aspect of their lives with love and compassion. With grit and determination. With resilience and empathy. To discover and ignite the excellence within. To have a ripple effect that changes the collective in a positive light.

I don’t know when or if I’ll be back to my So What? I run. page or social media accounts, but if you’d like to continue this journey with me, I invite you to sign up for my upcoming monthly newsletters on my website. My content will contain personal reflections as well as offer free tools and guidance on authentic living and I’ve already created something for you to give you a taste of what I’m doing. You may also follow my new Facebook and Instagram pages.

And while my new stuff won’t be running-focused, it will certainly touch on everything that I have learned through running: to believe in myself, to understand nothing is impossible, to dream big, to never give up, to live in gratitude, to embrace all that I am, flaws and all, and to live life to its fullest measure.

Thank you for all the years together and all of your encouragement and support. Words cannot describe the gratitude I have for each of you. I really would love to continue to connect with you on my new platforms and hope to see you there. But if our paths don’t cross there, perhaps one day our paths will cross again on the trails.

With so much love and gratitude,
