Duct Tape and Other Tips for Running in the Rain

Looks like we might have some wet weather for tomorrow’s Baltimore Running Festival. The Baltimore Marathon was my first marathon and I was fortunate enough to have perfect running conditions. Tomorrow, however, there’s a good chance of rain. As I prepare for the half marathon tomorrow, I’ve decided to share some tips I’ve learned along the way.

My favorite – DUCT TAPE!

Last year my coach John told us about duct taping our shoes to help keep your feet dry a little longer (this works great in the snow too). This is will not water proof your shoes, but it does keep them dry longer.

Step 1: Acquire Duct Tape (I know, I’m a smart ass). Actually, now that Duct Tape comes in a bazillion colors and designs, you can have a little fun with it. NOTE: Your shoes MUST be dry to start with!


Step 2: Cut a strip that will fit around the toe of the shoe and tape it to your shoe.


Step 3: Cut two slits at an angle to form a “V’ shape at the tip of your shoe.


Step 4: Press down the outer two tape flaps, then press down the middle V-shaped flap over top of them.


Step 5: Cut a second strip of tape and place it over top of the shoe to cover the seams of the initial piece.


Step 6: Press down firmly and trim any pieces that are hanging off of the shoe.


Repeat for other shoe 😉


Like I said before, it’s not waterproof, but it’ll keep you a little drier for a while. If you’re running in a monsoon, chances are they won’t stay on during the whole race, but if you can get a few miles with dryer feet and socks, then to me, it’s worth it.

Other tips for running in the rain:

  • Wear a garbage bag at the start line to keep you dry while you’re waiting for the race to start. Make sure you make the neck hole large enough so that it slips off easily over your head when you’re ready to run.
  • Don’t overdress. You’ll just be weighed down with more wet clothes.
  • Wear a hat with a brim to keep your face dry. I HATE having a wet face…even in the shower! I don’t know what my mother did to me as a child, but I swear it was some sort of Chinese water torture (and yes, my mother is really Chinese).
  • Body Glide! Body Glide! Body Glide! (or petroleum jelly) You thought chafing was bad in dry weather…wait until you run in the rain! ACK! You cannot put on enough glide when running in the rain. So when you think you’re done, apply it again just in case.
  • If you’re like me and need to keep your smartphone with you, put it in a plastic baggie (like Ziplock) before putting it in your belt. I haven’t tried this with my iPod, but I’m sure that’ll work too.

Other tips:

  • Bring a towel, dry clothes (something warm), socks, and shoes to change into after the race.
  • Stuff newspaper in your shoes to help dry them out quicker when you get home (remove the insoles first).

If you have additional tips, please share!

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26 thoughts on “Duct Tape and Other Tips for Running in the Rain

  1. That is exactly what I had to do for the Breast Cancer Monsoon…I mean walk, last year. I think Duct Tape’s stock when up during that event. We went through SO MUCH of it.

  2. Duct tape could solve all the worlds problems 🙂 I love using it! I tape my toe when I run to prevent a blister with it. Get funny looks when I tell people, but hey, it works 🙂

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  8. Never thought about duck taping my shoes! I don’t really run in the rain that often, even though I love it, but it’s a good tip to know! And the newspaper in wet shoes thing still blows my mind. It soaks up the moisture like woa.

  9. Pingback: Do-It-Yourself Winter Running Traction For Slippery Surfaces – Screw Shoes – ETC : Edmonton Triathlon Club | Edmonton Triathlon Club

  10. Pingback: The Dashing Deer | Dashing Deer

  11. Pingback: Old running shoes get a duct-tape makeover | 90in9

  12. Seriously, if you run in cold weather, snow, rain, slush, dewy grass, trying to keep your feet warm (and dry) while waiting for your race to start-you have to try Shoe Hoodies! Check out the testimonials from real runners at shoehoodies.net. No more duct tape (that will fall off)!! New this year are great new colors with reflective logo! Keep those toes dry and warm!! Be comfortable, run faster, and win more races!!

  13. Keep your toes warm and dry!! No more duct tape-that falls off! Great new colors this year with reflective logo. Check out the testimonials from real runners! shoehoodies.net is the solution for dry and warm toes!!

  14. Pingback: Best Gear for Running in the Rain + Tips To Enjoy it More - RunToTheFinish

  15. Pingback: Run Safely with the Proper Gear - Libri24

  16. Pingback: Running in the Rain Guide: Run Safely with the Right Gear - AsiaInfo

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